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A porpoise lying on the beach

Help the native porpoises!

In August 2020, the Bees & Trees Foundation decided to support the Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) in its mission to protect native and endangered harbor porpoises. 

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A porpoise is entangled in a fishing net and is lifted out of the sea water.

Guest article: small whale in big trouble

With a petition initiated by marine conservation activist Maximilian Gabriel, WDC and Deutsche Umwelthilfe, we demand that Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner immediately ban gillnets from protected areas.

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A bee with fluttering wings is about to approach a white flower.

Save bumblebees

Wild bees and other flower pollinators play an elementary role in our ecosystem, as many plants depend on them and so do many animals and we humans.

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