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Grafik einer Biene

BeeLoveContest – CLOSED

Discover the creative bumblebee in you, email us a photo and help save this endangered species. And of course: Share it on your social media channels and like our campaign.

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A dead bumblebee on pebble surface
BLOG (en)

Bumblebees in danger

When hearing or reading about declining bee populations, most people think of our honeybees. But here in Europe, honeybees are not actually wild bees; they live largely under the care of beekeepers – and, in most countries, their populations are actually not in decline.

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Nahaufnahme von Honigbienen die tagsüber aus einem Loch in einer Holzoberfläche unter dem Sonnenlicht fliegen.
BLOG (en)

The little bumblebee 1×1

Bumblebees are probably the best known of our wild bees. They differ from most wild bee species in that they are social. This means that they do not live alone (solitary), but in community – in the bumblebee colony.

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