We support where it is needed. Projects that are close to our hearts and need help – whether in environmental and nature conservation or in the interpersonal sphere. Active participation, donations and endowments are very welcome!
Final report Sea Shepherd
We have been supporting the Sea Shepherd team since June 2021. A swarm of drones was used in the fight against illegal fishing in the Mediterranean.
Wild Bee Hotel: building guide
Wild bees are important pollinators in gardens and parks, but their habitat is dwindling. You can help with a wild bee hotel in your garden. Build your own Wild Bee Hotel now with our guide.
Bumblebees without future
The controversial herbicide glyphosate is due to expire in the EU in mid-December 2023. It is currently unclear whether the authorisation will be extended for another five years. Assessments by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which are relevant in this context, do not see this as a problem.1